Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Requests and Updates for 6/2

Yesterday, I started my first day at 2100 Productions as a Production Intern. It was a busy day of orientation, introductions, and just getting an idea of the culture. Today, we did some more training and did an Avid tutorial. They mostly have Avid stations to do their editing, but they do have one Final Cut Pro machine.

Everyone has been really nice and welcoming. A lot of people have stopped by our cube, which is tucked away in one of the back corners, just to say hi. I have 3 other interns here with me. Kristin, Jamari, and Valaree. It should be a lot of fun getting to know them and working with them this summer.

Avid is interesting. Until I get to work with it more, it's hard to say if it's better than Premiere or FCP. There are so things I find kind of quirky, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of them with more experience.

I'm still kind of getting used to being in Madison. Even though it's called a city, it's nothing like NYC, natch. And the pace is much slower. Still, I went home exhausted yesterday. A combination of meeting new people and just getting so much more information. The rest of the week is going to be different sorts of training, such as, lighting, editing, camera, etc. A lot of the practical production side of things.

I think the biggest difficulty has been transition to the new schedule. I'm so used to waking up around 9 or so, but now, I have to wake up at 7, if not earlier. Luckily, the commute isn't too bad. It's about 20~30 min with traffic. But waking up early means going to bed early. Which hasn't been difficult thus far, considering how tired I am at the end of the day, but I would like to be able to do stuff. I'm sure as I get more accustomed to the schedule and the pace, I'll find time and capacity for other things, such as writing and climbing.

One of the things I'm hoping to do is to shoot some video with my fellow interns. I brought my camera along, so it'll be nice to do some fun stuff. We still have 1 more intern on the way, Valaree, so I'm going to wait for her to arrive before beginning to brainstorm ideas.

My host family has been great. I made the mistake of telling them that too much cheese gives me gas. So, now, they're all cautious about putting cheese in food. I really enjoy cheese! And considering I'm in the land of cheese, Wisconsin, I really want to experience all that it has to offer. But they're great, generous people, and it's real blessing being able to stay with them.

So far, things are good, but you can pray for:

  • Build strong friendships with the interns

  • Build relationships with other co-workers

  • Transition to new schedule