Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Requests and Updates for 4/15/08

+ Submission to the missions training and planning
+ Discipline to finish the semester strong
+ Stress and final planning of Boba Nite
+ Power and knowledge as I disciple Sean and Hilary
+ Guidance for summer plans
+ Preparation for Kyrgyzstan

Greetings and many thanks for your faithful prayers.

Missions training was really discouraging. The way the run it and the plans that they have all seem arbitrary. Also, the way that they're selling these trips to us doesn't get us excited to do God's work. It's difficult when you're constantly being told that you're going to be ineffective and you can't accomplish anything in 2 weeks. At the same time, there's this blind faith that no matter what we do, God will use it, so we shouldn't try very hard.

But I'm not in charge, I'm not in control. I wasn't given knowledge and intelligence to instigate dissension. But now that I have knowledge, I feel that it is my responsibility to correct where things are wrong. Especially with things that are important. Like missions.

This trip is really important to me because it's a taste of the direction I think God is taking me. I was in contact with some staff from Kyrgyzstan and we talked about the documentary plans. It's really amazing because both our visions are perfectly aligned. Both of our visions, purposes, plans, and intents are the same. They're also very willing to support me with interpreter and transportation to accomplish the documentary. The church is also supporting me by approving the budget for a new camera. We actually got more money than we asked for. Now we need to be responsible and spend that money wisely.

God has given me the passion for film and is definitely building my skills. Kyrgyzstan represents a lot of firsts. it's going to be my first documentary. It's going to be my first time doing a missions project like this. Although I'm going with other people, our missions and responsibilities are completely different, so in a sense, I'm on my own. First time in central Asia.

That's why this trip is so important to me. It represents the possibility of my future ministry. As much as I want to do well and be a good steward of the resources that God has given me, I know that I have to trust in Him for the out come. Finding that balance is so difficult, because we're so used to equating an effect from a cause.

More immediately, school is about to finish. I have about 3 more weeks until no more responsibilities. Finals, papers and such are all I see in the future. It's really hard to focus and to be disciplined to finish my work well. Although I've been doing well this semester, I feel very ill-prepared for all my finals.

This is compounded by the final planning of Boba Nite. Still need to buy a few things such as boba, drinks, and other food. A lot of final planning to make this the best show yet and to plant the seeds for following years.

In the meantime, I'm still meeting with Sean. I started going through the discipleship program I developed a few months back. So far, it seems like it's going well, even if we only get to meet every other week. Once the semester ends, I should be a lot more consistent.

Since Hilary accepted Christ, I want to walk with as she learns to walk with the Lord. We are definitely lacking follow up in the Church. We're so focused on getting numbers and conversions, that we sometimes forget that it's not the prayer that saves. Rather, it's the regeneration of the mind and spirit. I want Hilary and Sean to have the resources and guidance that I never had in walking with the Lord.

Then beyond that, there's a lot of mist and fog. My semester ends May 9 (extended because of extra credit) and starts again Sep 2. That's a lot of time to develop spiritually, professional, and personally. Aside from Kyrgyzstan, which is about 3 weeks in late June early July, it's wide open. Whether I intern at church, go to Beijing, or something else, I don't know. Not worrying too much about it, but it's definitely in the back of my mind.

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