Monday, May 5, 2008

Requests and Updates for 5/5/08

+ That I don't get stuck in "recharge" mode
+ A vision for next year's YG curriculum
+ Preparation for Kyrgyzstan mission
+ To love God and not the ministry

Finished with my first year of seminary and this second semester has been really hard. I think it was a combination of class, ministry, and Boba Nite. That, and 4 of my 5 classes were kind of eh. I have one more extra credit paper I need to do by Friday, but there's very little pressure on that.

Boba Nite was fantastic. The reviews that I've been hearing and the feedback that I've been receiving has been really good. Yesterday, I met with the YG Core team and talked about it. It was really encouraging to know that the church is really getting behind this ministry. For a moment, I had thought about shifting the focus and goals, but now I'm convinced there's a need for this ministry.

As I enter the summer, there are a bunch of projects waiting for my attention. Some of them have deadlines that I need to get started on, others have been collecting dust but should still be finished. And with the drama alums coming back soon, there may be new projects that we start.

In the middle of all this is Kyrgyzstan. It's about two months away and there's still so much that needs to be done. Fund raising, curriculum building, and cultural preparation. As much as I think the training program and materials are inane, I don't see much point in fighting it. Part of it has to do with the leadership. The few times that I have said something, my comments are met with blank looks of boredom.

I'm in this transition phase right now where I'm recharging all the margin I had lost from Boba Nite. The big danger is to get stuck in this powered down state. My devos have suffered because of it as has my productivity. But there's no time like right now to get back in it.

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