Saturday, May 3, 2008

State of the Church

The Church in the beginning of the 21st century is facing an identity crisis. How does it effectively reach and foster genuine faith in a culture that views the church as ancient and archaic? How does the Church answer the most pressing questions and needs of this new age where poverty, disease, and injustice still exists? If the Church is to remain relevant, it needs to answer these questions.

Not just pat Christian answers, but real, practical and effective answers. As Jesus walked amongst the poor and touched the diseased and fought for those in bondage, the Church needs to do the same. It needs to embrace change, continually contextualizing its message amongst the myriad of subgroups and cultures. It needs to understand technology and how to leverage it for not only the Kingdom, but for the Global Community. It needs to be less about preaching and more about being like Christ.

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