Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Requests and Updates for 4/8/08

+ Guidance and faithfulness as I plan the summer
+ Protection, holiness, and power as I disciple Sean and Hilary
+ That I would have an attitude of learning rather than academics at school
+ Preparation for Kyrgyzstan

Thank you all for your faithful prayers. The Lord has heard them and has already begun to answer.

Last night, I had the humble opportunity to pray with Hilary as she accepted Christ. It's amazing the journey that God has brought her on and will continue to carry her through.

God has been good and provided a 4th act for Boba Nite: Tim Be Told. It's really exciting, and our hope is that we'll be able to put on a show that honors God, but most importantly, to create an environment where people can come to know God.

I spent a lot of time trying to render Gene & Rosita's video, and it came out really well. There's a few things I still need to adjust for Boba Nite, but it's mostly done.

As finals approach, I want to finish strong. I have one class that I absolutely hate and want to drop but I want to finish it out and not let the spirit of evil hinder my studies.

I met with Charles briefly to talk about Kyrgyzstan. Both trips, Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan, seem really disorganized. But I want to be humble and know my place.

As I look at the summer, there are so many possibilities. I have a lot of time to develop skills and gain experience, in what area, I still don't know. I want to be faithful and pursue what God wants for me, but at the same time, I don't want to be stagnant and just wait. I think I need to pursue different paths, find out details, and make a decision in faith.

Please let me know how I can pray for you.

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