Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kenya: Day 5

Pray for:
- Widsom and discernement w/ those who beg from me
- Boldness in the Spirit

What happened:
- Alarm went off at 6, was still tired so went back to sleep, woke again at 8:30
- Went to Nairobi Baptist with Ken to do Gwatila's sound recording
- went to prestige and had lunch with Vincent
- lunch: chipati & beans
- went home to relax
- went to Kibera; took the mutatu on my own; had the kids share their character bios with each other; taught a little bit of structure; homework: plot out their stories
- on the walk home, a man interupted me asking for money; gave him KSE 20 (~$.25)
- went home

I was walking down the street from Prestige Plaza on my way home. The man stopped me to shake my hand and said something about seeing me earlier. He said that we had crossed paths at a different intersection. I had no recollection of this because I look at the area just a few feet in front of me.

In any case, he engaged me in conversation. Actually, it was more like he said his peace. He told me that he was hungry, how he hadn't eaten since the morning, and asked that I would have mercy on him. All this, while still holding my hand.

So I ended up giving him KSE 20. I know that it's not a lot of money. But I restle with the whole issue of charity.

There are times when people need charity. There's also verses that explicitly say to give to those who beg of you. But then, why this man and not the many others that have approached me on the street.

The bigger question is, how can I use these opportunities better?

As the man and I parted ways, the thought came to have prayed for him. Or even to have presented the gospel to him. This wasn't the first time that something like this has happened. Yet, I still do the same thing.

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